Dear Editor,
The following letter is about HDI and the current on-going events resulting from the unsanctioned deals signed by HDI, in particular, the Samsung Deal; on-going concerns and questions regarding the purchase and holding of property by HDI and/or their subsidiaries.
It also concerns the dangerous decisions that are being made at HCCC regarding setting up Canadian business structures within the framework of HCCC. Additionally, there are concerns about attempts to control and manipulate communications and unequitable distribution of information as well as Conflict of Interest with Chiefs and Clan Mothers as they move and operate between their roles on HDI and in the processes of actively engaging in consultation and decision making at HCCC. The Nan Fan Treaty of 1701 also known as the Treaty of Montreal, or sometimes the Beaver Bowl (Dish With One Spoon) Treaty is for the benefit of all Haudenosaunee on Turtle Island (North America). Therefore any benefits, admissions, revisions and such need to be approved by ALL of the Condoled Hoyane and the 49 Clan families of the Haudenosaunee Confederacy.
In the case of the controversial Samsung Agreement, it is our knowledge, the following Chiefs did not sanction the agreement nor did they have the opportunity to review its content: Arnie General and Kervin Williams Onondaga Chiefs, Howard Thompson, Mohawk Chief, Joe Skye, Mohawk Chief, Sam General Cayuga Chief, Cleveland General Cayuga Chief, Andrew Warner, Cayuga Chief, Manfred Miller/Roger Silversmith Cayuga Chiefs. The Council term ‘skae wa” means “all the chiefs agree” not just the ones present the day an issue is tabled but all condoled AND bench warmers put forth to speak for their ailing chiefs clan family.
The HDI is bypassing skae wa and breaking with Council protocol in the absence of the honawayeti, the Onondaga chief who has the duty to ensure Council protocol. This current activity at Council is the result. For many years Band Council and HCCC have worked in a parallel arrangement; each separate in their own canoe with Band Council Administering Government funds and the HCCC and Longhouse as the moral and spiritual compass of our community. HDI’s structure is a foreign object in the eye of the Confederacy.
It attempts to duplicate Band Council and other Municipal Governments operating as part of the superstructure of the province and Canada which is not part of the governance structure of the Great Law. The creation of an incorporated business structure within the framework of HCCC to make money is in violation of the Two Row Wampum. The Two Row Wampum reminds us we are not to willingly put our foot in the ship of the white mans and subject ourselves to the laws of a foreign government. I would like to remind HDI that they did not earn the leverage they now use to force corporations and municipalities to deal with HCCC.
It was the hard work, sacrifice, courage and passion of many people; the men and women of the 49 clan families who stood together on the front lines with environmental concerns starting years ago in the early 1990s with the family of the late Alex Jamieson Sr. Gawitra; on the sewer line crossing in Brantford; the Haudenosaunee Environmental Delegation and the Mohawk Warriors of Grand River; the Men’s Fire and sometimes our non- native allies. From river dredging, to tree cutting, to sludge dumping, to blocking unwanted development and preventing desecration of burial sites; and now with the actions of the Men’s Fire to remove Aaron Detlor; it is THE PEOPLE that paved the way and are now being used as leverage by HDI to pressure companies into dealing with them.
I think that the people deserve to have their concerns considered in a respectful way and not dismissed as factionalism or a few disgruntled people. These concerns are real and justified.
HDI must be held to account for all of their actions which were taken without the full consent of the people.
In pursuit of justice,
Sagoyesahtah-Ken Hill
Onondaga Beaver Clan