Something New In OL’CD

Making a living as an artist is not an easy thing to do but most of the time the rewards are amazing. As a writer…

The Power of Words and the Perpetuation of Stereotypes

I think we can all agree that words carry incredible power and their meanings are often times not held in what is being said verbally,…

What you don’t know about the Two Row Times didn’t tell you about wind turbines

I cannot get behind the “local news” treatise condemning wind energy in the March 19th news piece entitled: “What you’re not being told about wind…

Something New In OL’CD

Making a living as an artist is not an easy thing to do but most of the time the rewards are amazing. As a writer…

TABA Awards

The Toronto Aboriginal Business Association (TABA) Awards celebrated four Aboriginal entrepreneurs’ accomplishment on March 19 at the Grand Hotel. The awards were given to Ruby…

Women shut down Via rail line

TYENDINAGA – At 1:15 PM, the skies were overcast but much warmer for the women of Tyendinaga as they stood their ground about 52 feet from…

Support the Tyendinaga Arrestees!

On March 8, following a week of action demanding a national inquiry into the at least 825 missing and murdered indigenous women across Canada, warriors…

Baffin Island Mayors oppose offshore exploration

The mayors of Nunavut's Qikiqtani (Baffin) region passed a motion opposing offshore oil and gas exploration at the 2014 Baffin Mayors’ Forum held in early…

Open letter to the Minister of Justice, Mr. Peter MacKay

I am writing in support of the call for an inquiry into Missing or Murdered Indigenous Woman and Girls, and want to know what you…

Iroquois Nationals announce spring roster

ONONDAGA NATION - The Iroquois Nationals are proud to post a spring roster of players that will make up its 2014 Iroquois Nationals field lacrosse…

Enbridge Line 9 approved despite concerns

On March 6th, the National Energy Board (NEB) approved the Enbridge Line 9 reversal project, allowing tar sands bitumen and Bakken shale oil to flow…

Niagara wants an Inquiry for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls

St Catharines – Niagara residents are organizing a peaceful awareness rally for this Saturday, March 15th at nNoon at the Gazebo at Montebello Park on…

Enbridge Northern Gateway proposed west coast oil tankers

This is something we need you to understand about oil tanker traffic on the west coast.

The Future is Aboriginal Podcasting

My Name is Wesli Day and I am a podcaster. I am from Serpent River First Nation and have been involved in media relations for…

All’s quiet so far in Tyendenaga

TYENDENAGA - By about 2:30 on Monday afternoon, there were far more police in the area than there were protesters. The Mohawks made good on…