Six NationsChiefs and Warriors offer to fight in Boer War

SIX NATIONS — There was a time when Canada refused the help of the Queen’s most trusted allies, the Six Nations. The late 1800s was…

Six Nations mothers opposed participation in WW1

OTTAWA – At the advent of WW1, there were many Six Nations young men who signed up for service in the Canadian Military which made…

Great-great-granddad etched in history … the legacy of Leutenant Frederick Loft

SIX NATIONS — Imagine poking around the internet and discovering you are a direct descendent of the founder of one of North America’s first Native…

Archival documents reveal student cause of death at residential schools

OTTAWA — It is a long and boring process for those not so inclined, but to those of us who have a gluttonous curiosity for…

Travel permit for reserves not a new idea

OTTAWA — Imagine having to get a permit from the government to leave the reserve for any reason. There was a time, not that long…

Neglect caused drowning deaths of 7 students at Moose Factory Residential School

MOOSE FACTORY – Deaths of indigenous students under the care of the Church and the Indian Affairs Departments were a reality throughout the residential school…

Tuberculosis, meningitis left too long took the lives of students at Catholic run residential school in Kenora

OTTAWA – Although there may be evidence pointing to the direct involvement of residential school priests, principals or other staff in the death of Residential…

Dr. Peter Bryce; residential school whistleblower

OTTAWA – Dr. Peter Henderson Bryce, Chief Medical Officer of the Indian Department, may not have been the first to publicly expose the horrible conditions…

The history of the other ‘Indian Schools’ in Brantford started by the New England Company

BRANTFORD – The Mohawk Institute was not the only school for teaching Six Nations children. In fact, history shows there were at least four, all…

Rutherford Falls, the truth served up with a lot of laughs

It seems almost like boom time for American Indian actors these days, and it couldn’t happen at a better time. The year-long battle against the…

New series ‘Exterminate All the Brutes’ examining the roots of white supremacy

If you have ever wondered about how white supremacy took its roots and continues to blossom racism to this day, there is a new HBO…

A big year for Six Nations actor, Gary Farmer

SIX NATIONS — Gary Dale Farmer was born June 12, 1953, at the old Lady Willingdon hospital in downtown Ohsweken to Shirley (nee Fraser) and…

Gary Farmer and the Resident Alien

VANCOUVER – Veteran Six Nations’ actor, Gary Farmer, has a new gig. In his latest television series, “Resident Alien” Farmer plays the part of the…

The government wanted to ignore, hide Haldimand awarding land to the Mohawks

Almost 15 years have passed since a Canadian judge ruled in Brantford court against Six Nations land protecters, the Elected Council and the hereditary chiefs.…

Jim Thorpe – greatest athlete of all-time

It would be an injustice in this space not to turn attention towards not only the finest Indigenous baseball player ever to play the game,…