Stop labelling theories and hypotheses as fact

The Bering Strait Theory and now the Solutrean Hypothesis are two speculations that need to be put to rest. The first theory is the idea…

Gratitude for all things Six Nations in 2018

The future of leadership on Six Nations is an exciting thought. Times are changing and First Nations across the province are catching up in technology…

Play the winter blues away

How about those temperatures? Last Saturday morning was a crisp and sunny -25 Celsius. For the older generation out there, that’s -13 Fahrenheit. For the…

Don’t you dare edit our voices

An opinion piece from me almost always begins with me ranting or offering my two cents on an issue. I don’t know if that’s a…

Print still has value

Some students today are viewing themselves as ‘digital natives’ because they are the first generation to grow up with smart phones, tablets and high-speed Internet.…

EDITORIAL: Pocahontas is a lie

Donald Trump is totally unable to grasp why Pocahontas is a racist term and probably even believes he is “honouring” U.S. Senator Elizabeth who responded…

Drones a new frontier in search for missing persons

Earlier this year a Niagara area man took the search for his missing daughter to a new level by bringing some drones along. John Simpson’s…

Weed and the Haudenosaunee: What do we do?

Ontario residents will soon be sparking up legally. This week the province announced the locations of its first legal cannabis retail stores — one is…

Opinion: Trauma porn hard to control in an age of smartphones

In December of 2009 a serious car accident shut down Chiefswood Road for an entire day. A young woman got behind the wheel of her…

Opinion: Traditional leaders on Six must work with millennials

We are plagued with a bad case of political polarization in this community. It is so 1985 — literal soap opera stuff. Think ‘The Young…

What’s with Walmart?

It is a common joke in Indian Country that scone [native] couples have their first dates at Walmart. In all honesty, we do shop a…

Opinion: Workbook glosses over colonial history of Canada

Earlier this week a concerned parent posted an image from a children’s workbook — the “Complete Canadian Curriculum Grade 3” — that left the internet…

Contraband Cannabis

Tobacco production on Six Nations used to be taboo among our own people. It was a different political climate in the early days. Because of…

Words on paper

When you pick up a copy of our paper, the cover usually lets you jump right into the most important thing that happened in either…

Dancing to Victory

Onkwehon:we culture is suffering from fly-in-amber syndrome. We are still picking up the pieces of an entire way of life that was intentionally shattered by…