Healthy Roots wraps up with finale event

OHSWEKEN – A selection of artfully-prepared local appetizers, a silent auction, and a featured workshop on Seed Renewables will wrap up the second instalment of…

Clinic brings indigenous and western medicine together in harmony

Integrating indigenous medicine and western medicine has become a goal of the greater medical community. In the last year, many health organizations have recognized the…

Family Council Week at Iroquois Lodge

The “Iroquois Lodge Knit Gang” spent the winter making an afghan and a crib quilt that they are planning to donate to the Iroquois Lodge…

Highlighting indigenous men’s health on the golf course

The Southern Aboriginal Diabetes Inititative (SOADI) is holding a golf tournament this summer in hopes to gather men together in a fun and entertaining way…

A holistic approach to providing healthy programs for SN Health Services

OHSWEKEN – Six Nations Health Services has been a labor of love for so many care providers in the Six Nations community. From it’s humble…

Our Sustenance Program tackling food security on Six Nations

OHSWEKEN – Corn, beans and squash are commonly known in our traditions as the Three Sisters. It is said that these three food gifts were given…

Healthy Roots: Homegrown Goodness

OHSWEKEN – In the early months of 2015, the Six Nations community watched as four individuals publicly committed to a traditional, Indigenous foods-only diet. Kathy…

Preventing Lyme Disease – what you need to know

It is the time of year that woodticks take over our territory. Although finding a tick on you or your children is a common thing…

Mammograms for Six Nations women on Community Awareness Week

The Screen For Life Mobile Unit, a full screening clinic that travels the province will be on Six Nations this month during Community Awareness Week,…

Holistic health food and nutrition store opens on Six Nations

A new health food and nutrition store has opened on Six Nations territory offering holistic nutritional supplements, organic and indigenous foods and self-care products. Life…

Healing the heart by healing the mind

The Good Mind, or Ganigonhi:oh, is a well-known concept in Haudenosaunee tradition that calls on the use of kind, loving and compassionate thoughts as a…

Wahta Nikarontoten

Once again the maple trees have followed their original instructions by providing that sweet water after a long, cold winter. When the temperature hovers above…

The holistic approach to being a First Nations dietitian

Twelve weeks on a traditional foods diet. Though it sounds challenging it’s exactly what four Haudenosaune participants – three of them from Six Nations –…

Children’s health starts with real food and a united community

I had the privilege of attending the International Meeting on Indigenous Child Health this past weekend in Ottawa. It is good to know that so…

Screening for colon cancer is simple and could save your life

A mobile cancer screening detection unit will be coming to Six Nations this May. The Screen For Life Coach is a 45 foot bus which…