OHSWEKEN — Six Nations Elected Council announced Friday afternoon a new logo and name change.
In an emailed statement to Two Row Times, the council announced the change.
“Commonly recognized as the Six Nations Elected Council (SNEC) with the red, black and white logo comes a time to realign with the legal name, which is the Six Nations of the Grand River (SNGR). The SNGR provides expertise in countless programs, services and products to the Haudenosaunee people of Six Nations across 13 branches.
The purpose of this new logo is to illustrate the connection between the Haudenosaunee people of Six Nations and the Grand River.
The flowing wave entering and exiting across the logo symbolizes the Haldimand Tract and the white center line between this wave represents the Grand River, emphasizing the sacred significance of water to the people.
The significance of the Tree of Peace, which is centralized within the new logo, embraces the Haudenosaunee values and principles.
The roots of the Tree of Peace also represent the four directions. This guides and strengthens the administration, programs and services with the central goal aimed toward the stewardship of the community and the next Seven Generations.
Furthermore the Hiawatha belt can be seen flowing between the Grand River wordings, symbolizing the Haudenosaunee people of Six Nations. All tied together with a healing purple tone that the people have strongly related to for many years.
This new logo realigns the administration this organization provides to the Haudenosaunee people. From the principles of the Tree of Peace, to the Hiawatha belt symbolizing the people and a name that restores the inclusion of the Six Nations people this organization serves.”