Indigenous Fashion Week to hit Ottawa in July

OTTAWA — Indigenous designers and models are headed to the nation’s capital next month, destined for Ottawa’s Indigenous Fashion Week.

Two Row Times had an opportunity to talk with Charlene Lindsay, co-founder of Sustainable Development and Revitalization for First Nations — the organization hosting Indigenous Fashion Week, about the week of activities.

“Urban Indigenous populations have access to resources that many of our rural populations don’t have.” says Lindsay “So the events we’ve launched in Toronto, Ottawa, Montreal and Thunder Bay are for those in isolated regions. We know there is a lot of hidden talent in our communities and we want to give them a platform where they can demonstrate their work outside of a traditional pow-wow gathering.”

The week will open on Canada Day, which Lindsay says was chosen intentionally to in order to raise  awareness of Indigenous fashion.

“Its all about building positive relationships,” says Lindsay. “Plus, there are thousands of people from all around the world in Ottawa during the Canada Day celebration, some of whom have taken a keen interest in attending the final runway show which will take place on July 4th at the Arts Court Theatre in Ottawa.”

Other events taking place for this year’s Ottawa Indigenous Fashion Week will include workshops, rehearsals and orientation for the designers and models, a networking gathering, as well as an interactive lecture at the University of Ottawa which will be given by Lindsay.

Events in Montreal and Thunder Bay are also planned for the fall.

Anyone interested in participating in the areas of design or modelling. For more information email for details.

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