Ask Kitty
Hello to all the gardeners, would be gardeners, soon to be gardeners and everyone that enjoys the garden’s bounty.
What a fast and wild ride spring has been this year! Spring did it all, we had cold, we had hot, we had dry, we had wet. Whew! Now we are planting with joy in our hearts.
A few answers to many of you asking about planting seeds in June. It’s still the perfect time to plant! Many of the seeds are for succession planting (lettuce, radish, beans) so plant to your hearts content.
To have pumpkins for October, plant them towards the end of June or the beginning of July. It’s still a great time to put in your leafy greens, kale, spinach, swiss chard. These can be harvested right into he snow fall. Kale is actually sweeter after a frost!
Tomatoes will be a bit behind but not by much so plant, plant, plant! Cucumbers love the hot delicious soil so pop some seeds in the ground. We have had a bit of rainfall luckily but don’t forget to water.
Sadly if you haven’t planted your herb seeds they may struggle to grow fast enough but don’t despair, put them in pots and bring them in the house in the autumn.
I suppose my answer is really this — go ahead and PLANT those seeds. We never really put seedlings in years ago. If you want to see results immediately after planting your seeds, leave the stakes and strings in place until your seeds germinate. It gives our heart and soul the sense of hope for the garden to come.
I am delighted to say everyday I talk to more and more new or returning gardeners and I couldn’t be happier. Three cheers to us all for increasing our self sustainability around our food. Not to mention the happy tastebuds and bodies when we harvest and eat the food we have grown ourselves.
Well done everyone! Keep on planting and growing.Happy gardening everyone, drop me a line and let me know how your garden grows.