Hewitt ups the ante at Kanonhstaton

CALEDONIA – Monday night, in camera, Haldimand Mayor Ken Hewitt and his council ordered the blockade put up to protect the Kanonhstaton land in Caledonia,…

The best strawberries I ever had…

As I listened to the water pouring into the bath, a million emotions began pouring out of me as well. I expected that the first…

Non-native man with Ongwehowe family given 1 day to leave Six Nations

A 27 year old non-Native man has been evicted from the reserve. This morning two constables of the Six Nations Police came to the home…

Tyendinaga walks in the rain for the “Our Dreams Matter Too” Campaign

The rain didn’t deter any of the “Our Dreams Matter Too” participants, who walked from the Kanhiote Library on the corner of the York Rd…

Rivermen turn back the Titans 15-12

Delby Powless surprised the Titans at the 37-second mark, but that only woke up the sleeping Titans who accounted for the next four straight goals.

Arrows still on target 11-0

SIX NATIONS – The Jr. A Arrows Express unloaded on the Orangeville Northmen 12-9 Friday in Orangeville followed by a 12-4 win Sunday night at…

Strawberry Time!

Strawberry season is upon us. It is a wonderful time of year that needs no introduction.

UNDER THE NORTHERN SKY: Homage To Stan Louttit

It was a very cold day and we were struggling along in our little red car through near blizzard conditions on our way to Thunder…

A dream for our women

I had a dream and I was asked a question. If I could not speak to another woman, what would it sound like?

Re: Community meeting to discuss garbage crisis June 11, 2014.

Let’s get one thing straight: In speaking only for myself and not the full Council I don’t mind people expressing their opinions or raising their…

Reflection on the election

While the provincial election may not have affected many non-voting Onkwehon:we people on Election Day, it most certainly will. As much as it is true…

Teachers say schools on reserve like ‘residential schools all over again’

Duncan Campbell Scott was the Superintendent of Indian Affairs from 1913-1932. He once described the purpose of residential schools as a means to ‘take the…

Community members to embark on Peacemaker’s Journey

The Haudenosaunee Confederacy, said to be the oldest democracy in what is now known as North America, was formed when the Peacemaker, with the help…

Andean ‘Inti Raymi’ ceremonial event honours the sun and mother earth

The Inti Raymi is a ceremonial event celebrated in the South American Andean mountains that honours of the summer solstice, the longest day of the…

Adam Beach receives honorary doctorate

World renowned Salteaux actor, Adam Beach, was in Waterloo last Thursday to accept an honorary doctorate degree from Wilfrid Laurier University. Other honorary degree recipients…