Welcome to the first edition of the Good Minds Stand Up campaign! The Two Row Times and the Dreamcatcher Charitable Foundation are taking the month of October to focus on encouraging everyone to stand up against bullying.
Throughout the next few weeks we will be highlighting different stories on bullying: the statistics, the stories and the strategies to be victorious and stop the cycle of violence.
Everyone has a story about bullying. It can be in your face or behind your back. It can be physical, verbal or psychological. No matter the form, it can create deep scars inside the spirit of a person, most of them invisible which if left untreated can wreak havoc on a whole person.
We want to empower you to share your stories about bullying because rule #1 to breaking free from the power of a bully is to tell. So to start – we’re running a Twitter campaign.
It’s so easy to participate. Hop on social media, snap a photo and then Tweet out in 8 words or less how YOU are overcoming bullying in your life. Add #goodmindsstandup and that’s it. Easy.
Throughout our coverage area we will be distributing these really nice t-shirts for FREE. This is another way you can help to encourage people to practice using the Good Mind and stand up to end bullying. Snap a selfie of you wearing the shirt, post it to your social media feed with #goodmindsstandup and there you go! You’ve entered yourself in the contest again.
The prizes are awesome for this contest. You can check them out on page 10.
This is open to ALL First Nations across our coverage area – so get connected. Reach out to one another and encourage other First Nations people to work together to end lateral violence in our communities. Stand up when you are being bullied. Stand up when someone else is being bullied and we just might turn the tide so we can all overcome the reign of the bully together.
Good minds stand up for those around them. Good minds stand up and tell bullies to stop. Good minds stand up when no one else will. Good minds stand up and refuse to react to anger with anger. Good minds stand up for those who can’t. Good minds stand up even when they are scared. Good minds stand up and band together. Good minds stand up and are stronger together. Good minds stand up and speak the truth in love. Good minds stand up for what is right. Good minds stand up to end bullying.