MCA responds to RCMP surveillance fence announcement

AKWESASNE – The Mohawk Council of Akwesasne is responding to a National Post article that reported on the RCMP’s $92-million dollar plan to place a…

Open letter to newly elected municipal leaders and all municipalities in Ontario

There are over 300,000 Indigenous people living in Ontario, many of whom live in urban centres and First Nations communities bordering major municipalities. When municipal…

The greatest power

We call ourselves the people of the earth. While we are walking this earth, we look at power and what is real. We call it in…

Thanksgiving Day is gone again and Christmas is upon us

My Beloved People, Thanksgiving Day is gone again and Christmas is upon us. I spoke to a Longhouse woman recently. She said, “Just like Christmas,…

Stephen Harper dismisses the need for a national inquiry

Dear Editor: I was disappointed to hear Stephen Harper dismiss once again the need for a national inquiry into missing and murdered aboriginal women, stating…

Hunting Season at Six Nations

It’s hunting season on Six Nations. Time for us good Onkwehon:we men to get out our spotlights, 4x4s, quads and blood hounds! Creep around the…

Walking With Our Sisters opened in Edmonton on October 2, 2013

It’s been one year since Walking With Our Sisters opened in Edmonton on October 2, 2013. Hard to believe it’s been only one, actually. When…

Colonialist attitudes regarding Tina Fontaine

Dear Editors, I would like to direct this letter to the many individuals in the mainstream who think that it is valid and appropriate to…

To everything there is a season

In June of 1990 I embarked on the world of work with my diploma in hand and four rambunctious kids at home. Little did I…

Stop globalization, decolonize!

Dear Editor, Never in our wildest dreams did we think that we would be fighting to keep our country and this Earth intact due to…

Cancer support group thanks donors

Dear Editors, The Miles To Go Cancer Support Group would like to thank all the people that donated food, money, prizes and/or time and to…


Dear editors, I would like to keep everyone informed of the health care plan developed for, and with, Teiehkwa. The following are reasons for my…

Recent article on the Mohawk Chapel.

Dear Editors, Thank you for the recent article on the Mohawk Chapel. You described some of the challenges we face in maintaining an edifice that…

The Kanienkehaka were the first to accept the Kaianerekowa, where are they? Iakonkwe

Dear Editors, The Kanienkehaka were the first to accept the Kaianerekowa, where are they? Iakonkwe, those who hold the family titles are not allowed to…

Peoples Social Forum next week

Dear editors, For those Haudenosaunee that can attend the Peoples Social Forum next week from Aug 21-24 in Ottawa, we have a limited amount of…